I don't post to these pages regularly, or follow any certain schedule. In fact, I have been known not to post here for weeks, and occasionally even for months at a time. As I said in my very first What's New? post: I will post "as the spirit moves me." So, just check in here every once in a while to see if I have anything new to say.
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Friday, December 10, 2010
Due to routine server maintenance the following games will be down tomorrow, Saturday December 11, for approximately 30 minutes beginning at 9am Greenwich Mean Time: The Ace of Spades 2, Bridges, Chess Master 2, Shoot 15, and Tic Tac Toe Trivia. I apoligize for this minor inconvenience. There is really nothing I can do to avoid this, short of temporarily switching servers and then switching back again, which would be way more trouble than it would be worth. Hopefully, the outage will only last about 30 minutes like the people who run this particular server site tell me. No other games will be affected. Now, if somebody can figure out when 9am Greenwich Mean Time is. Hopefully, for most of you, it will be during the middle of the night. lol
Friday, January 14, 2011
I just downloaded Google Chrome. It really is every bit as good as Goggle claims it is. If you have an older computer, like I do, the first thing you will notice is the lightening quick speed. There is simply just no comparison with Google Chrome as compared to either Internet Explorer, or Firefox. The speed is amazing. I absolutely love it! I just wish I would have done this 6 months ago. If you have a slow internet connection, try Google Chrome. The download, of course, is free so you have nothing to lose by trying it. By downloading Google Chrome, you will also get to keep your current web browser. But, once you try it, like me, you probably won't want to ever go back again.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Perhaps you have wondered why two of my sidebar gadgets, Top 10 Games and Popular Posts, seem to sometimes display what appears to be contradictory information. First of all, the Popular Posts gadget shows the ten most popular pages. Though these are mostly game pages, all pages are considered including game category pages. So occasionally, you may see a category page in the Popular Posts. For instance, you could see Card Games Page 1 in that list. On the other hand, the Top 10 Games are just that. That gadget only lists game pages. A second thing is, the Popular Posts gadget displays its information based on the previous 7 days while the Top 10 Games gadget bases its information on the last 30 days. Finally, the Popular Posts gadget is automatically updated while the Top 10 Games gadget requires me to manually input the information. I hope this clears up any confusion.
Hi, this is Richard again. As you can see by the date, this is an old post. When I redesigned my site in January of 2012, I decided to drop the Top 10 Games gadget and only go with the Popular Posts gadget.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Well, as you can see it has been more than 2 months since my last post on the 'What's New' pages. I did say, from the beginning, that I would post infrequently. But 2 months is kind of stretching things a bit, don't you think? For those of you who are not familiar with the purpose of 'What's New', it is sort of like my own personal online diary. Mostly, I talk about things related to Richard's Game Reviews. But sometimes I talk about other things too.
If you read my previous post on 'What's New' from January 14, 2011 (scroll up a little, if you have not); you can see that I was pretty gung ho about Google Chrome. Well, after several months of using it my enthusiasm has waned somewhat. It now seems to be as slow, and to crash as much, as Internet Explorer. I still use Chrome for most of my browsing, but I also use Internet Explorer because it has some features that I am familiar with and still like.
Speaking of browsers, I could no longer ignore Safari which now accounts for about 6% of my traffic. I have read many comments on other blogs where people have said that certain features do not display correctly, or in the same way, as the other browsers. So today I got up the courage and downloaded Safari to see if everything here on Richard's Game Reviews looked okay. I am happy to report that everything looks just fine. (The last thing I wanted to do was a major overhaul). My first impression of Safari is that is seems very user friendly. Hopefully, I will enjoy it. By the way, in case you were curious, my visitor traffic by browser breaks down like this: Internet Explorer 59%, Chrome 19%, Firefox 15%, Safari 6%, and other browsers 1%. That's all for now. Thanks, for reading this post.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
For the last few days I have been working behind the scenes on some of the technical aspects of Richard's Game Reviews. You may, or may not, have noticed some design changes at the top of my pages. I have to say that I am very pleased with the results.
Something you may not know, is that it takes literally thousand of files to produce this blog. I have to say that I am extremely well organized when it comes to my blog files. I just wish that I was as organized with the rest of my life. I will not admit to being a pack rat. I don't think I am quite at that level. But, I guess I do have to cop to being a clutter bug. As such, I spend a lot of time looking for things around the house which can be quite frustrating.
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