I don't post to these pages regularly, or follow any certain schedule. In fact, I have been known not to post here for weeks, and occasionally even for months at a time. As I said in my very first What's New? post: I will post "as the spirit moves me." So, just check in here every once in a while to see if I have anything new to say.
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Well, as you can see, I have installed a brand new design for Richard's Game Reviews. This after saying, back in October of 2011 when I did my last major overhaul, that it probably would be another 2 years before I would try that again. lol.
I think this design is a real keeper though. I only decided to do this two days ago, and I think the results are pretty darn impressive! You will find some brand new features, including a slideshow on my homepage. I think this design is quite an improvement over the last one. Don't you agree?
However, please know that this is definitely a work in progress. I have lots, and lots, of work to do before everything will be the way I want it. You will likely see some minor glitches. For instance you may see some of my html code, instead of plain English, on certain pages. You may also see some magnified, and distorted, pictures on some pages. In order for me to correct these things, it requires that I write a new introductory paragraph on every one of my 417 post pages. This will undoubtedly take me at least a couple of weeks, if not several months, to fully accomplish. I certainly did not want to wait that long. I wanted to get this up, and running, immediately. The good thing is though, is that this will not affect any of your game play whatsoever.
I will probably also be changing some of the link colors, and I want to make some improvements in the comment area too. Plus, there will be several other changes I need to make. So just know that this is not a finished product, by any means. And please bear with me until I can work all of the kinks out. I hope everyone enjoys the brand new look!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Beginning today, I am going to start a brand new policy here at Richard's Game Reviews. Actually, it is more than a policy change. It is really an entirely new way on how I will present games to you. For new games, I will no longer be writing a comprehensive review. Instead, I will only write a brief game description, and then rate the game from 1 to 5.
This policy change is something that I have been thinking about for a very long time. Some games are very complex. And in order to write a detailed review, I must figure out every nuance. This can mean playing a single game for hours to figure everything out, and then writing about it for another hour or two. Even writing a complete review for a simple game can take upwards of up to an hour.
The bottom line is this. Implementing this new policy will allow me to bring you many more new games at a much faster pace! And it will free up some of my time to allow me to find, and bring you, even more games. It is a win-win situation. It will be good for you, and it will be good for me as well. Of course, all of the game reviews that I have written in the past two-and-a-half years will remain here for you to enjoy.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Well I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. Today, someone left about 30 or so obscene comments on my site. This is the first time something like this has happened in the two-and-a-half year existence of Richard's Game Reviews. I have always been impressed by the quality of my reader's comments, and I am not going to allow one bad apple to change my opinion. All comments are welcome as long as they fit a few criteria. Here are the rules: All comments should be relevant to what is written on the page. Obscenities, and bad language, are not allowed. And the last rule I have is that no personal attacks are allowed either against me, or against anyone who may leave a comment. Up until this incident, I have probably only had to delete maybe about two comments in the two-and-a-half year years I have been doing this blog. That is a pretty good record, don't you agree? I always try to set a positive tone that people will follow, and I have to say it has worked out very well. I read other blogs, from time to time, and I am always amazed to see so many blogs where obscene comments are tolerated. It is beyond me why any blog owner would allow such comments. Are they just too lazy to delete unwanted comments, or do they simply not care about the quality of their site? Of course, I deleted those 30 comments as soon as I saw them. Unfortunately they were posted overnight, so they were there for about 7 hours. I apologize to anyone who saw them. Hopefully this was a one-time thing and will not happen again.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Speaking of things that were bound to happen, the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire game is no longer the top game here on Richard's Game Reviews. Millionaire has always maintained the top spot, by a very wide margin, since it was first introduced back in October of 2009. The current top game, at least for the moment, is Block Blaster. I wish I could say it is because Block Blaster has surged in popularity, but that is not the case. Block Blaster's numbers have remained rather steady. But the numbers for Millionaire have gone down drastically in the past few months by as much as 75%. The Millionaire game has always been the engine that drove the locomotive. With its decline, my overall traffic is probably down about 40%, which is a rather significant drop. Is there anything you can do to help? The answer is yes. If you are reading this post, you are undoubtedly a fan of this site. I only ask that you tell one or two friends about Richard's Game Reviews. Maybe post my link on Facebook, or email a friend or two and give them my link. And please ask your friends, if they like my site, to pass my link along to their friends. And yes, I am talking to YOU! I don't think that is too much to ask. I work hard to bring you a quality blog, and I am asking for your help.
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