How to Play Embed Mahjong:
- Click on two identical tiles to make a match.
- Only tiles that are lit up may be clicked.
- Certain tiles that have pictures may sometimes be matched with similar, but not identical, tiles.
- Click the 'undo' button to undo your last move.
- Watch the bottom of the game screen to see how many matches are currently available. As long as there is at least one match remaining, you are still in the game. So don't give up!
- When the number of matches finally gets down to zero, Embed Mahjong will tell you that 'No Matches Remain!' and the game is then over. Click the 'new game' button to play again.
- The best score you can possibly achieve is 144 points.
Embed Mahjong Game Options:
- The game sounds, which are minimal anyway, may be turned on or off by clicking the microphone icon which is located near the lower left corner.
Comments: This is the first mahjong game that I have been able to find that does not have a time limit. If you are still learning how to play mahjong, like I am, I think you will enjoy this particular version of the game. (Most of the mahjong games that I have seen give you very little time to make matches, and can be rather nervewracking). Even if you are an expierenced mahjong player, I still think you will probably find this game very relaxing and quite enjoyable.
Please Note: I am going to include a Full Screen link so you can play the game in Full Screen mode. Personally, I feel this game is much more enjoyable on Full Screen, and it will certainly be easier on your eyes. I do this as a courtesy. Even though you will be leaving my site to play the Full Screen version, I will set the link so that it will open in a new tab or window. That way my site will also remain open should you wish to come back.
Richard's Rating: 4 out of 5.
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