
Save the Monkey!

Game Description: Our monkey friend needs your help! He got himself into trouble with a bully, and the only way to save him is to find the hidden word or phrase. Your goal is to find the hidden word or phrase using the letters on the leaf. You can click the letters with your mouse, or type letters on your keyboard. You have 6 chances to find the word! For every wrong guess, the monkey is a bit closer to falling!

How to Play Save the Monkey:

  • After the game fully loads, click the 'Start' button.
  • Your goal is to find the hidden word or phrase using the letters on the leaf.
  • You can click the letters with your mouse, or type letters on your keyboard.
  • You have 6 chances to find the word! For every wrong guess, the monkey is a bit closer to falling! Think and have fun!
  • Click the leaf near the lower right corner (the one with the double arrows) to play the next word or phrase.

Save the Monkey Game Options:
  • Click the musical note icon, located near the upper left corner, to turn the game music on or off. (There is also a microphone icon located just above the musical note icon. However it doesn't seem to do much, if anything).

Save the Monkey Playing Tips:
  • Try to find the vowels (A, E, I, O, U) first. This will make solving the puzzles easier.

Richard's Rating: 2 out of 5.

Pro: Save the Monkey! is a simple, and quick game to play.

Con: Adding a scoring system could have made Save the Monkey! perhaps a bit more interesting. Also allowing 6 wrong guesses seems like too many. Allowing only 5 wrong guesses probably would have been a better choice.

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